Ashica on services:

“ the depth of compassion we hold for ourselves is a foundation for the quality of all our relationships”.


“I have over a decade of experience in supporting clients and creating a therapeutic alliance to progress towards your intentions”.


“As a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, I can develop culturally attuned and strength-based assessment, diagnosis, treatment and care of emotional, mental, behavioral or cognitive symptoms.”


“ Care can involve individuals, families, caregivers, couples, or care communities”.


  • Qualified assessor for the State of Washington, per WAC 388-76-10150 to complete a pre-admission assessment of a prospective resident or routine update for a current resident.

  • Comprehensive assessment of a person and their environment to understand biological, psychological, and socio-environmental needs to address opportunities for care or treatment.

  • MoCA certified rater. Determine decision capacity and understand opportunities to create dignified care and choice for an individual.


  • For you

    Assessments are an important part of the clinical relationship. It allows me to identify opportunities to best support you and your lifestyle needs. Getting to know you, your interests, current situation, history, or protective factors to identify strengths and opportunities.

  • For institutions

    Essential Therapy and Consultation, PLLC can provide care plans or assessments for care providers, assisted living facilities, memory care communities, adult family homes for initial move-ins or routine updates.

  • What to expect

    Comprehensive assessments can take between 1-5 hours for completion, based on level of care, content and information gathering.


  • Family Therapy
    Group Therapy
    Individual Therapy Support Groups

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)

    Active Listening



    Bereavement & Grief Counseling

    Behavior Activation

    Communication skills

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    Core Beliefs

    Cultural Humility



    Experimental Therapy

    Exposure Therapy

    Gender Affirming Care


    Geriatric Non-Pharmacology

    Holistic Care


    Guided Imagery

    Inner child work

    Intergroup Dialogue

    Insight-Oriented Therapy



    Minority Stress Model

    Motivational Interviewing

    Mediation & Conflict Resolution

    Nature based Therapy

    Narrative Therapy

    Person- centered Care

    Person In Environment

    Problem solving skills

    Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy(REBT)

    Reality Therapy

    Reminiscence Therapy

    Self Care

    Self- Compassion


    Strength-Based Therapy

    Suicide First Aid

    Talk Therapy

    Trauma Informed Care

    Validation Method


    Universal Design

    Walking Therapy

    Working Well with a Disability®

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA/ ACoA) ADA & Accessibility
    Advance Directives
    Adult Family Home Assessments
    Assisted Living Assessments
    Biopsychosocial Assessments
    Behavior Management

    BIPOC Alliance
    Culturally Centered Care
    Caregiver Support
    Care Plans
    Clinical Consultation
    Conflict Resolution
    Continuum of Care
    Cognition Assessments

    Creative wellness
    Dementia Care & Directives
    Discharge or Transitional Planning
    DSM-V-TR Diagnosis
    Education & Informed Choice
    End of Life & Death with Dignity
    Evidence-Based Measures
    Family Education & Support

    Family Healing
    Interdisciplinary Teams

    Grief and loss
    Group Therapy & Facilitation
    Healthcare Navigation & Advocacy
    LGBTQIA2S+ Affirming Care
    Life Adjustments & Transitions
    People with disAbilities
    Support Groups
    Safety Planning
    Sexuality & Intimacy
    Treatment Plans
    Universal Design


  • We heal in connection to each other. Groups held at your community. Social, psychodynamic, psycho-educational or experimental therapies that are either elder, family, caregiver, staff, or prospect focused.

    Common topics: Brain health, Dementia, Grief, Caregiver’s support, Mindfulness

  • Presentations, workshops, training, or education for elders, family, or corporations. Reach out for current selection or request a custom training for your needs.

  • Facilitated by an LICSW. The goal of meeting is to promote communication, understanding, and alliance building among participants for care planning and alignment towards a goal. In-person or via Zoom.

  • Strength- base consultation or coaching for professionals, individuals, and family caregivers. Solution focused collaboration to meet your intentions.

  • Organizations save money by improving client experience, supporting a positive organizational culture, increasing productivity & reducing staff attrition rates.

    Participants learn several evidence-based practices to use in moments of distress to bring ease, settle their nervous system, support co-regulation, and effectively connect with self and another.

    Use of these tools lead to heightened client safety and better peer interactions; an elevated life contentment with enhanced optimism, and increased self-efficacy and morale.

    Participants experience a significant reduction in stress, empathy fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, anger, rumination, emotional avoidance, and diabetes-related distress.