‘Gentleness is stronger than severity,

water is stronger than rock,

love is stronger than force”.

~Herman Hesse


Developing culturally attuned and strength-based assessment, diagnosis, treatment and care of emotional, mental, behavioral or cognitive symptoms.

  • Qualified assessor for the State of Washington, per WAC 388-76-10150 to complete a pre-admission assessment of a prospective resident or routine update for a current resident.

  • Comprehensive assessment of a person and their environment to understand biological, psychological, and socio-environmental needs to address opportunities for care or treatment.

  • MoCA certified rater. Determine decision capacity and understand opportunities to create dignified care and choice for an individual.

  • Assessments are an important part of the clinical relationship. It allows me to identify opportunities to best support you and your lifestyle needs. Getting to know you, your interests, current situation, history, or protective factors to identify strengths and opportunities.


    Essential Therapy and Consultation, PLLC can provide care plans or assessments for care providers, assisted living facilities, memory care communities, adult family homes for initial move-ins or routine updates.


    Comprehensive assessments can take between 1-5 hours for completion, based on level of care, content and information gathering.


The depth of loving awareness, kindness and care we give ourselves is the foundation for the quality of all our relationships. Together, we will create a safe space to open to curiosity and explore what do you need?

  • Family Therapy
    Group Therapy
    Individual Therapy Support Groups

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)

    Active Listening



    Bereavement & Grief Counseling

    Behavior Activation

    Communication skills

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    Core Beliefs

    Cultural Humility



    Experimental Therapy

    Exposure Therapy

    Gender Affirming Care


    Geriatric Non-Pharmacology

    Holistic Care


    Guided Imagery

    Inner child work

    Intergroup Dialogue

    Insight-Oriented Therapy



    Minority Stress Model

    Motivational Interviewing

    Mediation & Conflict Resolution

    Nature based Therapy

    Narrative Therapy

    Person- centered Care

    Person In Environment

    Problem solving skills

    Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy(REBT)

    Reality Therapy

    Reminiscence Therapy

    Self Care

    Self- Compassion


    Strength-Based Therapy

    Suicide First Aid

    Talk Therapy


    Trauma Informed Care

    Validation Method


    Universal Design

    Walking Therapy

    Working Well with a Disability®

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA/ ACoA) ADA & Accessibility
    Advance Directives
    Adult Family Home Assessments
    Assisted Living Assessments
    Biopsychosocial Assessments
    Behavior Management

    BIPOC Alliance
    Culturally Centered Care
    Caregiver Support
    Care Plans
    Clinical Consultation
    Conflict Resolution
    Continuum of Care
    Cognition Assessments

    Creative wellness
    Dementia Care & Directives
    Discharge or Transitional Planning
    DSM-V-TR Diagnosis
    Education & Informed Choice
    End of Life & Death with Dignity


    Evidence-Based Measures
    Family Education & Support

    Family Healing

    Grief and loss
    Group Therapy & Facilitation
    Healthcare Navigation & Advocacy

    Interdisciplinary Teams

    Intergenerational Trauma & Legacy Burdens
    LGBTQIA2S+ Affirming Care
    Life Adjustments & Transitions
    People with disAbilities
    Support Groups
    Safety Planning
    Sexuality & Intimacy
    Treatment Plans
    Universal Design


Care can involve families, support networks, caregivers, couples, or care communities.

  • We heal in connection to each other. Groups held at your community. Social, psychodynamic, psycho-educational or experimental therapies that are either elder, family, caregiver, staff, or prospect focused.

    Common topics: Brain health, Dementia, Grief, Caregiver’s support, Mindfulness, Self-compassion, creative wellness ,

  • Presentations, workshops, training, or education for elders, family, or corporations. Reach out for current selection or request a custom training for your needs.

  • Facilitated by an LICSW. The goal of meeting is to promote communication, understanding, and alliance building among participants for care planning and alignment towards a goal. In-person or via Zoom.

  • Strength- base consultation or coaching for professionals, individuals, and family caregivers. Solution focused collaboration to meet your intentions.

  • Ashica is committed to supporting her colleagues and minimizing the cycle of burnout. Her vision is that all professionals engage in regular self-care, cultivate compassion satisfaction, and achieve careers longevity in their chosen fields.

    Additionally, organizations save money by improving client experience, supporting a positive organizational culture, increasing productivity & reducing staff attrition rates.

    Participants learn several evidence-based practices to use in moments of distress to bring ease, settle their nervous system, support co-regulation, and effectively connect with self and another.

    Use of these tools lead to heightened client safety and better peer interactions; an elevated life contentment with enhanced optimism, and increased self-efficacy and morale.

    Participants experience a significant reduction in stress, empathy fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety, anger, rumination, emotional avoidance, and diabetes-related distress.


Care for your energy & co-create your experience.

  • Reiki is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

    Reiki is a complementary therapy that is a non-invasive and non-pharmacological approach designed to promote a heightened sense of relaxation, and alleviate distress through compassionate and soothing touch.

    Ashica is a Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Master

    A master is not one who knows; but is one who moves forward on a path with faithful commitment to continuous learning, compassion, and integrity of a craft.

    • Reduced work-related stress, anxiety, or tension (1,2)

    • Feel a significant reduction in symptoms of psychological distress (1,2)

    • Increased harmony & well-being (1,2)

    • Increased sense of empowerment and capacities for healing (3)

    • Better quality sleep (4)

    • Improved comfort, relaxation, pain relief, and energy levels (5)

    • Reduce negative side effects related to chemotherapy (6)

    • Improve surgical results (6)

    • Regulating and significantly changing the autonomic nervous system (6)

    • Increases mental function & memory (a)

    • Significant deceases of pain, depression, and anxiety (b)

    • Improves certain behavior: less (anxiety, irritability, restless, confusion, crying) (c,d)

    • Increases positive interactions (talkative and interactive) (c,d)

    • Increased relaxation (c,d)

    • Better concentration in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer's disease. (c,d)

    • Reiki and hand massage reduced the pain and fatigue levels of patients having rheumatoid arthritis. (e)

    1- DOI: 10.1177/0898010110377294, 2-PMID: 15154152, 3-DOI: 10.1177/089431840933701, 4- DOI: 10.1590/0034-7167-2021-0535, 5-Int. j. adv. multidise. res. stud. 2022; 2(4):519-522 , 6-DOI:10.1016/j.explore.2022.11.005

    a- DOI: 10.1089/acm.2006.12.911, b-DOI: 10.3928/19404921-20100601-01, c-DOI: 10.1089/acm.2006.12.911, d-PMID: 19623833, e-DOI: 10.1016/j.explore.2022.06.006

    • People with Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, behavioral expressions

    • Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, distress

    • Patients on hospice care or post-operation

    • Family, caregivers, professionals or staff members

  • IARP Code of Ethics for Reiki Practitioners

    IARP Registered Professional Members abide by the IARP Code of Ethics and agrees to:

    1. Abide by a vow of confidentiality. Any information that is discussed within the context of a Reiki session is confidential between the client and practitioner.

    2. Provide a safe and comfortable area for sessions or classes and work to provide an empowering and supportive environment for clients and students.

    3. Abide by all state/province/territory, national, local or county laws and rules, if any, regarding Reiki and any complementary integrative modalities that you practice.

    4. Always treat clients and students with the utmost of respect and honor.

    5. Have a pure and clear intention to offer your services for the highest healing good of the client and highest potential of the student.

    6. In Reiki practice, provide a brief oral or written description of what happens during a session and what to expect before a client’s initial session.

    7. In a Reiki course, provide a clear written description of subjects to be taught during each level of Reiki prior to class and list what the student will be able to do after taking the class.

    8. Be respectful of all others’ Reiki views and paths.

    9. Educate clients/students on the value of Reiki and explain that sessions do not guarantee a cure, nor are they ever a substitute for qualified medical or professional care. Reiki is one part of an integrative healing or wellness program, meant to enhance traditional treatment protocols.

    10. Suggest a consultation or referral for clients to qualified licensed professionals (medical doctor, licensed therapist, etc.) when appropriate.

    11. Never diagnose or prescribe. Never suggest that the client/student change prescribed treatment or interfere with the treatment of a licensed health care provider.

    12. Be sensitive to the boundary needs of individual clients and students.

    13. Never ask clients to disrobe (unless in the context of a licensed massage therapy session at the client’s option). Never touch the genital area or breasts. Practice hands-off healing of these areas if treatment is needed.

    14. Be working to create harmony and friendly cooperation between Reiki Practitioners/ Master Teachers in the community and represent the IARP in a most professional manner.

    15. Act as a beacon in your community by doing the best work possible.

    16. Work to empower your students to heal themselves and to encourage and assist them in the development of their work with Reiki or their Reiki practices. Be available for questions and assistance after students complete a Reiki course.

    17. Be actively working on your own healing so as to embody and fully express the essence of Reiki in everything that you do.

    IARP Registered Reiki Practitioners and Teachers strive to provide the highest quality Reiki experience and abide by the IARP Code of Ethics.

  • Reiki is conducted fully dressed with the person seated in a chair or laying on a massage table or bed.

    Prior to treatment, I will learn about your concerns that brought you to this Reiki session and set focus for the session.

    During the treatment, I will lightly touch your body or hover above it , using a progression of hand positions which address specific organs, muscle groups, nerve plexus, endocrine glands, and life themes.

    Following the treatment, we will sit for a few minutes, answer any questions or share about the experiences.

    Please follow after care recommendations.

  • My wonderful teach, Marianne Streich has provided the following guidelines for after session care.

    “After a Reiki session, your energetic body remains in a stare of flux as it seeks stabilization and reintegration. It is important so support and assist this process in order to obtain the greatest benefit from the session.

    Reiki moves energy. During a Reiki session. Blocked or stagnant energy may be broken up and released, the energy of trauma transmuted, the flow of energy directed in a more balanced way.

    Depending upon how in tune you are with your own body, you may be aware of these shifts or not. Regardless, changes are taking place. A lot happens!

    Here's how to obtain the greatest benefit from a Reiki Session:

    Listen to your body. You may feel energized and enthusiastic about taking on new projects or tacking old ones. You may feel tired and need rest You may want to spend the remainder of your day with a good book. Respond appropriately by giving your body what it asks for.

    Avoid taking a bath or shower for 12 hours following a session to help energy stabilize.

    Then within 24 hours, if possible, take a salt bath, adding a cups or more of sea salt to warm bath water and soaking for 20 minutes or longer. This helps to cleanse the body energetically as well as remove toxins from the skin, the body's largest organ for breathing. It is also nurturing and refreshing.

    For 3 days following a Reiki Session:

    1. Avoid alcohol and limit caffeine.

    2. Drink enough water to stay well hydrated.

    3. Eat light healthy meals abundant in vegetables. Avoid beef and pork.

    4. Get adequate rest. Exercise moderately. Avoid strenuous workouts.

    5. Spend time in nature-walk in a park; sit quietly near a body of water.

    6. Meditate or allow yourself 15-30 minutes of quiet time each day.

    7. Minimize screen time.

    8. Notice your feelings and the physical sensations in your body. Placing your attention on shifts taking place and insights gained will assist in anchoring new patterns, allowing them to become habit more easily.

    9. If you receive other energy work like massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, sound healing sessions etc. please schedule after 3 days of receiving a treatment.

    The session will be beneficial whether you follow these suggestions or not.

    However, incorporating them into your regimen will allow the energetic realignments set in motion during the session to stabilize and integrate more effectively on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

    Extend this period beyond three days if you are experiencing a healing reaction (see below). Or adopt them as part of a healthy lifestyle!

    Healing Reactions:

    After a Reiki treatment you may experience physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue. This is sometimes called a Healing Reaction or Healing Catharsis and is usually an indication that the body is detoxifying in preparation for healing. Should this happen, extend the regimen recommended above, taking care to stay well hydrated, get plenty of rest, and generally be kind to yourself.

    Such symptoms typically dissipate within a few days. They are more likely to occur if you have not had energy sessions previously, if you have a chronic condition, or if you are chronically stressed. They are also an indication that more Reiki is needed.”